Matlab 官方提供了完整的单目视觉 vSLAM 的 pipeline,。这里对 Matlab 的这边文章的关键点做一个笔记和讨论,具体的实现可以参考原文文档。


Matlab 提供了imageDatastore类用于初始化图像存储集合,其接受一个图像的文件夹路径的参数。

imageFolder   = [dataFolder,'rgbd_dataset_freiburg3_long_office_household/rgb/'];
imds          = imageDatastore(imageFolder);


在 SLAM 管线中,首先我们应该对相机进行标定,相机标定可以用Computer Vision 工具箱中的相机标定工具。如果预先知道了相机的内参,可以通过cameraIntrinsics类直接进行初始化。

% Create a cameraIntrinsics object to store the camera intrinsic parameters.
% The intrinsics for the dataset can be found at the following page:
% Note that the images in the dataset are already undistorted, hence there
% is no need to specify the distortion coefficients.
focalLength    = [535.4, 539.2];     % in units of pixels
principalPoint = [320.1, 247.6];     % in units of pixels
imageSize      = size(currI,[1 2]);  % in units of pixels
intrinsics     = cameraIntrinsics(focalLength, principalPoint, imageSize);

在例子中使用的数据集已经提供了相机的标定参数,我们可以直接使用。注意,对于一般相机获取到的照片来说,我们应该进行照片的去畸变,Matlab 提供了去畸变函数undistortImage,具体用法如下

% Get intrinsic parameters of the camera
intrinsics = cameraParams.Intrinsics;
I = undistortImage(I, intrinsics);


在该例子中,我们使用 ORB 特征,ORB 特征是一种广泛使用的特征,并且能够快速识别,更好的用于实时 SLAM 环境。借助helperDetectAndExtractFeatures函数,我们可以识别出图片中的特征和其对应的位置。

% Detect and extract ORB features
scaleFactor = 1.2;
numLevels   = 8;
numPoints   = 1000;
[preFeatures, prePoints] = helperDetectAndExtractFeatures(currI, scaleFactor, numLevels, numPoints);


I = readimage(imds, 1);
hold on;
plot(selectStrongest(prePoints, 100));

抓取特征以后,下一步进行特征匹配,由于我们的图片是从视频流中获得的有序图片,我们保留第一张图片,并且从第二张图片开始,与第一张图片做特征匹配。当特征少于 100 个时,我们选择下一张图片与第一张图片匹配,直到找到对应的匹配图片为止。

firstI       = currI;              % Preserve the first frame
currFrameIdx = currFrameIdx + 1;   % set current to 2
while ~isMapInitialized && currFrameIdx < numel(imds.Files)
    currI = readimage(imds, currFrameIdx);
    currFrameIdx = currFrameIdx + 1;

    [currFeatures, currPoints] = helperDetectAndExtractFeatures(currI, ...
        scaleFactor, numLevels, numPoints);
    indexPairs = matchFeatures(preFeatures, currFeatures, Unique=true, ...
        MaxRatio=0.9, MatchThreshold=40);

    minMatches = 100;
    if size(indexPairs, 1) < minMatches; continue; end
    % ...

找到对应的图片以后,我们利用对极约束求解Homography和基础矩阵Fundamental matrix。当场景为平面时,Homography比基础矩阵更容易匹配。

% Select the model based on a heuristic
ratio = scoreH/(scoreH + scoreF);
ratioThreshold = 0.45;
if ratio > ratioThreshold
    inlierTformIdx = inliersIdxH;
    tform          = tformH;
    inlierTformIdx = inliersIdxF;
    tform          = tformF;

我们根据匹配的结果选择对应的Homography或者Fundamental matrix。这里inlierTformIdx表示用于求解的特征点的下标,tfrom则是对应的变换矩阵。



% Computes the camera location up to scale. Use half of the
% points to reduce computation
inlierPrePoints  = preMatchedPoints(inlierTformIdx);
inlierCurrPoints = currMatchedPoints(inlierTformIdx);
[relPose, validFraction] = estrelpose(tform, intrinsics, ...
    inlierPrePoints(1:2:end), inlierCurrPoints(1:2:end));

% If not enough inliers are found, move to the next frame
if validFraction < 0.9 || numel(relPose)==3

如果validFraction太小,一般来说小于 0.9,那就意味着基础矩阵是不正确的。或者如果我们的相对位姿计算不正确,那我们就应该跳过该图片,利用下一张图片求解。



% Triangulate two views to obtain 3-D map points
minParallax = 1; % In degrees
[isValid, xyzWorldPoints, inlierTriangulationIdx] = helperTriangulateTwoFrames(...
    rigidtform3d, relPose, inlierPrePoints, inlierCurrPoints, intrinsics, minParallax);

if ~isValid


至此,我们完成了整个的地图的初始化工作,我们可以查看对应的图片和初始化效果。根据运行的结果,我们可以看到最后使用了第 1 张和第 29 张图片完成了地图的初始化工作。初始化的特征匹配结果如下


Matlab 提供了两个类来存储关键帧和地图空间点,分别是imageviewsetworldpointset。我们创建关键帧viewset以后,将用于地图初始化的两张图片作为初始的俩个关键帧存入,同时我们加入关键帧相关性链接。相关性指的是俩个关键帧之间的相对位姿,以及相关的匹配点。最后我们将三角化后的世界坐标加入到地图的世界点集合中。

vSetKeyFrames = imageviewset;
mapPointSet   = worldpointset;

preViewId     = 1;
vSetKeyFrames = addView(vSetKeyFrames, preViewId, rigidtform3d, Points=prePoints,...
currViewId    = 2;
vSetKeyFrames = addView(vSetKeyFrames, currViewId, relPose, Points=currPoints,...

vSetKeyFrames = addConnection(vSetKeyFrames, preViewId, currViewId, relPose, Matches=indexPairs);
[mapPointSet, newPointIdx] = addWorldPoints(mapPointSet, xyzWorldPoints);


mapPointSet   = addCorrespondences(mapPointSet, preViewId, newPointIdx, indexPairs(:,1));
mapPointSet   = addCorrespondences(mapPointSet, currViewId, newPointIdx, indexPairs(:,2));



bofData = bagOfFeatures(imds, ...
    CustomExtractor=@helperORBFeatureExtractorFunction, ...
    TreeProperties=[3, 10], StrongestFeatures=1);


bofData      = load("bagOfFeaturesDataSLAM.mat");
loopDatabase = invertedImageIndex(bofData.bof,SaveFeatureLocations=false);


addImageFeatures(loopDatabase, preFeatures, preViewId);
addImageFeatures(loopDatabase, currFeatures, currViewId);


当我们有了世界点的坐标,位姿以及成像坐标以后,我们可以使用bundleAdjustment对数据进行优化,寻找最佳的位姿以达到最少的重投影误差。Matlab 内建了bundleAdjustment函数,我们需要输入世界点的坐标,视图中相关联的对应点tracks,相机位姿信息,相机内参。同时,我们可以指定哪些关键帧的位姿是不需要调整的,在这里我们第一帧的位置将会被固定。我们第一次后端优化仅仅使用了俩个关键帧,在双视图几何中,俩个相对应的像点,形成一个世界空间的三位点,因此xyzWorldPoints的大小应该和tracks的大小一致,并且每个tracks中的点对,成像一个xyzWorldPoints中的点。

tracks       = findTracks(vSetKeyFrames);
cameraPoses  = poses(vSetKeyFrames);

[refinedPoints, refinedAbsPoses] = bundleAdjustment(xyzWorldPoints, tracks, ...
    cameraPoses, intrinsics, FixedViewIDs=1, ...
    PointsUndistorted=true, AbsoluteTolerance=1e-7,...
    RelativeTolerance=1e-15, MaxIteration=20, ...


% Scale the map and the camera pose using the median depth of map points
medianDepth   = median(vecnorm(refinedPoints.'));
refinedPoints = refinedPoints / medianDepth;

refinedAbsPoses.AbsolutePose(currViewId).Translation = ...
    refinedAbsPoses.AbsolutePose(currViewId).Translation / medianDepth;
relPose.Translation = relPose.Translation/medianDepth;

% Update key frames with the refined poses
vSetKeyFrames = updateView(vSetKeyFrames, refinedAbsPoses);
vSetKeyFrames = updateConnection(vSetKeyFrames, preViewId, currViewId, relPose);

% Update map points with the refined positions
mapPointSet = updateWorldPoints(mapPointSet, newPointIdx, refinedPoints);

% Update view direction and depth
mapPointSet = updateLimitsAndDirection(mapPointSet, newPointIdx, vSetKeyFrames.Views);

% Update representative view
mapPointSet = updateRepresentativeView(mapPointSet, newPointIdx, vSetKeyFrames.Views);
mapPlot = helperVisualizeMotionAndStructure(vSetKeyFrames, mapPointSet);


SLAM 位姿跟踪

现在我们开始实现 SLAM 的位姿跟踪。每当我们发现了一个新的关键帧,我们就将其加入到我们的数据集中,并计算和调整我们的位姿态,为了简化我们的跟踪问题,当我们检测到回环的时候,我们停止跟踪。

currKeyFrameId   = currViewId;
lastKeyFrameId   = currViewId;
lastKeyFrameIdx  = currFrameIdx - 1;
addedFramesIdx   = [1; lastKeyFrameIdx];
isLoopClosed     = false;

在这里currKeyFrameIdlastKeyFrameId追踪的是关键帧的 Id,而lastKeyFrameIdx是关键帧所对应照片的 Index,我们刚刚处理了第一帧和第二帧用于地图的初始化,因此,在这里lastKeyFrameId为 2,而lastKeyFrameIdx为 29(因为第二帧关键帧来自于第 29 张照片,减 1 是因为我们在while中多加了一次)。addedFramesIdx则继续追踪被加入的照片的 Index。


  1. 特征匹配,我们将新的一帧和最后一帧进行匹配。
  2. 使用 Perspective-n-Point 算法估计新的一帧的相机位姿
  3. 将最后一帧的世界点重投影到新的一帧,并且寻找相匹配的点
  4. 执行一次bundleAdjustment,但这一次我们只关心新的一帧的相机位姿,因此调用bundleAdjustmentMotion
  5. 将更多的世界点重投影到新的一帧,并继续调用bundleAdjustmentMotion
  6. 最后,我们尝试检测新的一帧是否为关键帧,如果是则加入关键帧序列,否则继续处理下一帧数据。



% Main loop
isLastFrameKeyFrame = true;
while ~isLoopClosed && currFrameIdx < numel(imds.Files)
    currI = readimage(imds, currFrameIdx);

    [currFeatures, currPoints] = helperDetectAndExtractFeatures(currI, scaleFactor, numLevels, numPoints);

    % Track the last key frame
    % mapPointsIdx:   Indices of the map points observed in the current frame
    % featureIdx:     Indices of the corresponding feature points in the
    %                 current frame
    [currPose, mapPointsIdx, featureIdx] = helperTrackLastKeyFrame(mapPointSet, ...
        vSetKeyFrames.Views, currFeatures, currPoints, lastKeyFrameId, intrinsics, scaleFactor);

    % Track the local map and check if the current frame is a key frame.
    % A frame is a key frame if both of the following conditions are satisfied:
    % 1. At least 20 frames have passed since the last key frame or the
    %    current frame tracks fewer than 100 map points.
    % 2. The map points tracked by the current frame are fewer than 90% of
    %    points tracked by the reference key frame.
    % Tracking performance is sensitive to the value of numPointsKeyFrame.
    % If tracking is lost, try a larger value.
    % localKeyFrameIds:   ViewId of the connected key frames of the current frame
    numSkipFrames     = 20;
    numPointsKeyFrame = 80;
    [localKeyFrameIds, currPose, mapPointsIdx, featureIdx, isKeyFrame] = ...
        helperTrackLocalMap(mapPointSet, vSetKeyFrames, mapPointsIdx, ...
        featureIdx, currPose, currFeatures, currPoints, intrinsics, scaleFactor, numLevels, ...
        isLastFrameKeyFrame, lastKeyFrameIdx, currFrameIdx, numSkipFrames, numPointsKeyFrame);

    % Visualize matched features
    updatePlot(featurePlot, currI, currPoints(featureIdx));

    if ~isKeyFrame
        currFrameIdx        = currFrameIdx + 1;
        isLastFrameKeyFrame = false;
        isLastFrameKeyFrame = true;

    % Update current key frame ID
    currKeyFrameId  = currKeyFrameId + 1;

对于每个关键帧都进行本地映射。确定新的关键帧时,将其添加到关键帧集合中,并更新新关键帧观察到的地图点的属性。为了确保mapPointSet中包含尽可能少的异常值,一个有效的地图点必须在至少 3 个关键帧中被观察到。

新的地图点是通过三角化当前关键帧及其连接的关键帧中的 ORB 特征点创建的。对于当前关键帧中的每个未匹配的特征点,使用matchFeatures在连接的关键帧中搜索与其他未匹配点的匹配点。本地束调整会优化当前关键帧的位姿、连接关键帧的位姿以及这些关键帧中观察到的所有地图点。

    % Add the new key frame
    [mapPointSet, vSetKeyFrames] = helperAddNewKeyFrame(mapPointSet, vSetKeyFrames, ...
        currPose, currFeatures, currPoints, mapPointsIdx, featureIdx, localKeyFrameIds);

    % Remove outlier map points that are observed in fewer than 3 key frames
    outlierIdx    = setdiff(newPointIdx, mapPointsIdx);
    if ~isempty(outlierIdx)
        mapPointSet   = removeWorldPoints(mapPointSet, outlierIdx);

    % Create new map points by triangulation
    minNumMatches = 10;
    minParallax   = 3;
    [mapPointSet, vSetKeyFrames, newPointIdx] = helperCreateNewMapPoints(mapPointSet, vSetKeyFrames, ...
        currKeyFrameId, intrinsics, scaleFactor, minNumMatches, minParallax);

    % Local bundle adjustment
    [refinedViews, dist] = connectedViews(vSetKeyFrames, currKeyFrameId, MaxDistance=2);
    refinedKeyFrameIds = refinedViews.ViewId;
    fixedViewIds = refinedKeyFrameIds(dist==2);
    fixedViewIds = fixedViewIds(1:min(10, numel(fixedViewIds)));

    % Refine local key frames and map points
    [mapPointSet, vSetKeyFrames, mapPointIdx] = bundleAdjustment(...
        mapPointSet, vSetKeyFrames, [refinedKeyFrameIds; currKeyFrameId], intrinsics, ...
        FixedViewIDs=fixedViewIds, PointsUndistorted=true, AbsoluteTolerance=1e-7,...
        RelativeTolerance=1e-16, Solver="preconditioned-conjugate-gradient", ...

    % Update view direction and depth
    mapPointSet = updateLimitsAndDirection(mapPointSet, mapPointIdx, vSetKeyFrames.Views);

    % Update representative view
    mapPointSet = updateRepresentativeView(mapPointSet, mapPointIdx, vSetKeyFrames.Views);

    % Visualize 3D world points and camera trajectory
    updatePlot(mapPlot, vSetKeyFrames, mapPointSet);



    % Check loop closure after some key frames have been created
    if currKeyFrameId > 20

        % Minimum number of feature matches of loop edges
        loopEdgeNumMatches = 50;

        % Detect possible loop closure key frame candidates
        [isDetected, validLoopCandidates] = helperCheckLoopClosure(vSetKeyFrames, currKeyFrameId, ...
            loopDatabase, currI, loopEdgeNumMatches);

        if isDetected
            % Add loop closure connections
            [isLoopClosed, mapPointSet, vSetKeyFrames] = helperAddLoopConnections(...
                mapPointSet, vSetKeyFrames, validLoopCandidates, currKeyFrameId, ...
                currFeatures, loopEdgeNumMatches);

    % If no loop closure is detected, add current features into the database
    if ~isLoopClosed
        addImageFeatures(loopDatabase,  currFeatures, currKeyFrameId);

    % Update IDs and indices
    lastKeyFrameId  = currKeyFrameId;
    lastKeyFrameIdx = currFrameIdx;
    addedFramesIdx  = [addedFramesIdx; currFrameIdx]; %#ok<AGROW>
    currFrameIdx    = currFrameIdx + 1;
end % End of main loop



if isLoopClosed
    % Optimize the poses
    minNumMatches      = 20;
    vSetKeyFramesOptim = optimizePoses(vSetKeyFrames, minNumMatches, Tolerance=1e-16);

    % Update map points after optimizing the poses
    mapPointSet = helperUpdateGlobalMap(mapPointSet, vSetKeyFrames, vSetKeyFramesOptim);

    updatePlot(mapPlot, vSetKeyFrames, mapPointSet);

    % Plot the optimized camera trajectory
    optimizedPoses  = poses(vSetKeyFramesOptim);
    plotOptimizedTrajectory(mapPlot, optimizedPoses)

    % Update legend